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SKU: 30623

Lagerstatus: Skickas oftast inom 1-3 dagar

Ordinarie pris 2 595 kr
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LEDCON-XL är en smidig universalstyrning för LED-PAR-armaturer. 



  • This LEDCON-XL is probably THE controller you were always dreaming of. 
    • Preprogrammed colors, fades and chases for almost ALL types of LED projectors
    • 8 extra faders to control your light effects, foggers, moving heads with 4/5 MSL mode, etc.
    • DMX input with merger function to connect any extra controller on the same DMX line
    • Standard 19" rack format so the unit can be fixed in our Controller Case 3U

  • The projector control section is a more performant version of our famous LEDCON-02 Mk2: 
    • 4 or 8 channel LED light modulator with integrated, speed or music controlled, chases.
    • For each of the 4 or 8 channels, you can select the DMX setup of the projector you are using. (RGB, RGBW, RGBWA, etc.) so the unit becomes compatible with almost any LED projector that is available on the market !
    • Each of these channels can be switched on/off if needed. (blackout for certain projectors)
    • Extra UV button for the use with for example 6-in1 LED projectors that include an UV LED
    • Separate dimmer and strobe fader.
    • Fixed color mode: Instant access to 9 pre-programmed colors with adjustable fade-over time
    • Static chase mode: 12 different color chases with manual speed control
    • Sound chase mode: 12 different color chases with audio triggering via the audio input or the integrated microphone
    • Spectrum mix: 32 different spectrum mix colors, including color fades

  • The extra fader section is comparable to our SCENEMASTER SCM-1: 
    • This makes it possible to control extra projectors, light effects, foggers, etc. via the same DMX line
    • Perfect to control moving heads equipped with our unique 3, 4 or 5MSL mode (DMX master/slave)
    • You can use the faders as 8 individual DMX channels or create 8 scenes (combination of faders)



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